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Week 2: Economy/Immigration/Environment

  • ECONOMY: I have designed a 10-point economic plan called the “Declaration of Economic Independence,” protecting American families and businesses.  I want to boost the economy by achieving 3% growth through reducing regulations, encouraging long-term corporate investment in the US, and keeping lower individual tax rates in place. I also plan to limit lobbying, relocate federal agencies, and stop members of Congress and executive branch officials from trading individual stocks. Additionally, I aim to implement work requirements for safety net programs and reduce federal spending, aligning with Republican principles.

  • IMMIGRATION: I believe in a fair labor market for American workers. That means securing our borders, limiting unskilled immigration, and eliminating chain migration and the diversity visa lottery. And before you ask, no, I'm not planning to build a wall around Florida. But I do believe in a strong border policy that protects our citizens and respects our laws. I am willing to approach things with a more right-sided mindset. This means, I will enforce laws that past presidents were too fearful to say. I want to end the policy that gives children of undocumented immigrants citizenship if they are born in America. This is a  necessary step to ensure the integrity of our immigration system.

  • ENVIRONMENT: I believe in conservation. I believe in protecting our beautiful landscapes, our clean air, and our clear waters. I've seen the impact of environmental degradation in Florida, and I've taken steps to address it. I've pushed for Everglades restoration, allocated funds for mitigating flooding and rising sea levels, and vetoed bills that threatened local environmental regulation. Because at the end of the day, I want to leave Florida, and America, better than I found it.


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