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Week 3:
Health Care & Abortion /LGBTQ+ & Sexual Rights /Education, Affirmative Action

  • HEALTH CARE & ABORTION: My stance on health care is rooted in the belief of medical freedom and individual choice. I supported the American Health Care Act, which aimed to repeal and replace Obamacare, and I believe in reforming Medicare by raising the eligibility age for future enrollees and transitioning it to a premium support system. I am pro-life and believe in protecting the unborn. However, I also understand the complexities of this issue and have made provisions for certain exceptions. I do not support criminalizing women who seek abortions. Instead, I believe in providing resources and support for young mothers and families.

  • LGBTQ+ & SEXUAL RIGHTS: I oppose expanding LGBTQ+ civil rights, LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections, and LGBTQ-inclusive school policies. I also passed the "Don't Say Gay" bill which enables lawsuits against teachers discussing LGBTQ+ topics in elementary schools and restricts such discussions in higher grades.

  • EDUCATION, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: In the realm of education, I have positioned myself as a champion of the conservative parents’ rights movement. I have criticized schools for teaching what I consider to be "woke ideology." Regarding affirmative action, I have applauded the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to end affirmative action in college decisions. I believe that admissions processes should not discriminate against any racial or ethnic group, and that each applicant should be evaluated on their individual merits.


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